**POLENTA** How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. It can be soft and sort of mushy-like. It can be hard and sort of chewy-like. It’s just made with cornmeal – like literally if you have cornmeal in your house right now, you can make it. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR. It’s cheap. It only takes …
Livin la vida crepes. ❤ Forever. Almond meal, ground oats, milk, eggs, and vanilla. That’s this and this is that. Nutty, finely textured, barely sweet. HOW A-MAZING I think I love these crepes so much because:: healthy-ish + tastes like dessert + is appropriate to eat for breakfast. Plus mix and …
Egg Casserole
I have been making this egg casserole for 13 years, primarily for Christmas brunch gatherings. It includes eggs, bread, cheese and sausage. It also works great with bacon. Save Print Egg Casserole Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 15 mins Total time: 20 mins …