I’m Jenna.
My gluten free journey started 2009. Not by choice but because I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.
That wasn’t my first experience with gluten free though. Life is crazy and as someone with strong faith, I believe everything happens for a reason. In 2006, I had an internship with a Celiac and Allergen Free Cookbook author, who taught me a ton about living gluten free. Then my mom was diagnosed in 2007, and my diagnosis followed in 2009. The rest is history. Anyways…
But I’m not just some random person trying to teach you how to thrill on the latest fad diet. I’m passionate about advocating for Celiac Disease and the gluten free lifestyle and have traveled over 10,000 miles for Celiac Awareness. The National Foundation of Celiac Awareness even named me a “Celiac Awareness All-Star” from hosting the first Celiac Awareness Day with the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team.
Here’s a shot from the NYC #140You Conference where I was a gluten free lifestyle panelist:
I’ve also been a guest speaker at the Celiac Disease Foundation’s National Education Conference & Gluten Free Expo and the NYC Celebrate Celiac event. I’ve even shared tips on how to add a dedicated gluten free section to large retail locations at Natural Products Expo East without making some of the biggest mistakes like this one where the whole wheat pasta ended up in the gluten free section…YIKES!
Since you’ve gone gluten free, you may be feeling like there is NOTHING left for you to eat. Well I’m here to tell you that you’re allowed to have it all – gluten free, quick and TASTY. And I’m going to show you how.
Sound interesting? Enter your email address below and click “Sign Up” to get free updates, recipes and more. You’ll get my free cheat sheet that includes 122+ names for hidden gluten ingredients:
Free Cheat Sheet: 122+ Hidden Names for Gluten

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Here’s what other people have to say…
“Jenna knows what it is to have Celiac Disease and is devoted to bringing awareness to the public.” – Larry Schneider, President,World Celiac Community
“I love your enthusiasm towards everything Gluten Free related!” – Lynn M., New York
“Jenna is very genuine. Her word carries integrity and you can trust her… I do!” – Dana M., New Jersey
“I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, then the pituitary, then the thyroid, and last celiac. I really enjoy your posts!” – Jenna L., West Virginia